Li Huayi 李華弌 b. 1948
Fantasies on Paper and Enchantments in Gold - Solo Exhibition of Li Huayi, Suzhou Museum, Suzhou, China, 27 September – 17 December 2017
Landscapes in New Dimensions, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China, 21 March - 21 April 2017
Shanghai Ever, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China, 11 July – 8 October 2015
China’s Changing Landscape, Nordiska Akvarellmuseet, Skärhamn, Sweden, 28 September 2014 – 25 January 2015
Illusion / Image: Contemporary Chinese Ink Art Series 1, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China, 22 June – 22 July 2013
Beyond Representation: Li Huayi's New Art, Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, China, 23 April – 1 June 2011
Fung, Edward. Li Huayi, Landscapes From A Master’s Heart. Milan: Rizzoli International Publications Inc. and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2018, pp256-257
Fung, Edward. Fantasies on Paper and Enchantments in Gold. Suzhou: Suzhou Museum, 2017, pp24-25
Poon, Yiu Ming & Kwai, Catherine. Aphorisms on Life. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Monthly and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2016, p0
Sun, Miriam. Shanghai Ever. Shanghai: Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, 2015, pp51-52
Johnson, Mark Dean. China’s Changing Landscape, Contemporary Chinese Ink. Sweden: NAM Publication, 2014, pp40-41
Illusion / Image: Contemporary Chinese Ink Art Series 1. Beijing: Hive Center for Contemporary Art, 2013, pp44-45
Weng, Ling and Shen, Kuiyi. Exhibitions Catalogue for Images of the Mind: The Ink Painting of Li Huayi & Beyond Representation: Li Huayi’s New Art. Hong Kong: Beijing Center for the Arts Publishing House, 2011, pp140-141
馮戈:《李華弌: 心寬山水遠》,米蘭:Rizzoli國際出版社、季豐美術出版社,2018年,第256-257頁
Mark Dean Johnson:《改變中的中國山水》,瑞典:NAM出版社,2014年,第40-41頁
翁菱、沈揆一:《心印: 李華弌藝術展》及《象外: 李華弌新作展》展覽圖錄,香港:北京天安時間當代藝術出版社,2011年,第140-141頁