Zao Wou-Ki 趙無極 1920-2013
08.10.84, 1984
Oil on canvas 油彩布本
200 x 162cm
Signifiants de l'informel 2020 – Group Exhibition of Serge Poliakoff, Nicolas de Staël, Pierre Soulages, Georges Mathieu, Karel Appel, Zao Wou-Ki, Chu Teh-Chun and Lalan, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China, 16 October – 15 December 2020Tokyo, Fuji Television Gallery,Zao Wou Ki, 6 31 October 1987
Jean Leymarie, ed., Zao WouKi, Cercle d'Art, Barcelona/Paris,1986, plate 574, p. 355Zao WouKi, Fuji Television Gallery Co., Tokyo, 1987, no.5
Pierre Daix, Zao WouKi, l'oeuvre 1935 1993, Ides et Calendes, Berne, 1994, p. 144
This work will be included in the forthcoming Catalogue Raisonné currently being prepared by Françoise Marquet and Yann Hendgen (Information provided by Fondation Zao Wou Ki)
〈趙無極〉Jean Leymarie編(西班牙,巴塞隆納/法國,巴黎,Cercle d’Art出版,一九八六年),圖版574, 355頁
〈趙無極作品 1935-1993〉Pierre Daix 編(法國,巴黎,Ides et Calendes出版,一九九四年),114頁