Zao Wou-ki


ZAO WOU-KI 1935-2008 was published by Kwai Fung Art Publishing House in 2010.



Zao Wou-Ki 1935-2008

  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Publisher: Kwai Fung Art Publishing House
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Versions: English and traditional Chinese
  • Dimensions: 310 (H) x 237 (W) mm
  • Pages: 384
  • ISBN: 978-988-18829-1-2
  • Price: HKD 900




Featuring over 300 works by Zao Wou-Ki representing each major period from 1935 to 2008, this is the most comprehensive monograph devoted to the work of the celebrated Chinese modernist painter. The book provides in-depth analysis of Zao Wou-Ki's career and work by Dominique de Villepin, the former Prime Minister of France, with authoritative catalogue entries on selected works by Yann Hendgen of the Archives Zao Wou-Ki. Prepared in cooperation with the artist's family, the book also includes an illustrated chronology of Zao Wou-Ki's life, a selective list of the artist's solo exhibitions (1980-2010), a list of public collections, a selective bibliography and filmography, a critical anthology (1952-2009) and a list of collector's books.


The book is available in English and traditional Chinese. The French version is published by Flammarion Editions.

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